It’s finally that time of the year again! The days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter, and you’re itching to get outside and soak up some Vitamin D. But wait – you still have to spend all day cooped up in your office, gazing out the window. Well, what if we told you there’s an easy way to bring the spirit of summer right into your workspace? That’s right – you can infuse your office with the colours, scents, sounds and energy of warmer months through the magi of biophilia.

Read on to learn how you can plant the seeds of summer cheer in your office and get your workspace ready for the season.

In this blog:


How Plants Can Transform Your Office

  1. Add greenery – The simplest way to bring nature indoors is by adding potted plants and greenery. If you choose plants that thrive in office conditions, you’ll have a calming, relaxing space to work.
  2. Clean the Air – plants naturally clean the air in your office by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. The more plants the better – aim for at least one plant for every 100 square feet of space.  Their basic needs act as air filtration and will reduce toxins and leave your office feeling fresh.
  3. Create a natural space – while transforming your office may seem challenging, start with some simple steps. Add a few potted plants, open the blinds and let the natural light in, or diffuse some essential oils. Biophilia can boost productivity, improve well-being, and make for a great company culture. Check out our guide to biophilic design to give it a go!



Choose Plants That Are Naturally Cooling

Yes, plants can actually cool a room! Most studies seem to refer back to an article written by Dr. Leonard Perry, ‘Benefits of using plants indoors’. He says that ‘Plants cool by the process of “transpiration”, releasing moisture into the air.  A USDA estimate is that proper use of plants could decrease air temperature in an office by as much as ten degrees.’ NASA also looked into this estimating that just one square meter of indoor plants can reduce the temperature in an area by up to two degrees Celsius. Not to mention, larger plants and trees provide shade and a place of refuge from the burning sun when it really is getting hot. I know that I strategically place the plant on my desk to block the stream of morning sun that, though it’s so pretty, means I can see my screen! Either way, plants can seriously help us this summer so here are our top picks: 

Snake Plant

The snake plant is a great choice for cooling down your office space. This plant transpires at night, releasing oxygen and moisture into the air which helps naturally lower temperatures. Its upright strappy leaves also give it a sculptural quality that works well in an office setting. The snake plants are also tolerant of low light and inconsistent watering,  so it’s perfect for offices where people often forget to open blinds or water the plants!


Delicate ferns are excellent for cooling and adding humidity to dry office air. Their lacy fronds help filter the air and release moisture, while also creating an interactive woodland ambience. Place a few small ferns together in a planter for the best effect. Ferns do require moist soil and regular misting, so be sure to place them in a spot that will get attention from a vigilant co-worker.

Peace Lillies

These are a striking addition to any office. more importantly, they naturally cool air through transpiration and release of moisture. Peace lilies are also excellent at removing toxins from the air which may build up in office environments. While they can tolerate some shade, peace lilies produce the most flowers and purifying benefits when in medium light. Be sure to keep the soil moderately moist for the best growth.



Choose Plants That Clean The Air

Plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also excellent natural air purifiers. I know we always go back to the NASA Clean Air Study but it’s because it’s so great and really was one of the first steps in the biophilic world! The study revealed that certain indoor plants have the remarkable ability to remove harmful toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. Through a process called phytoremediation (put simply, using plants to clean water, soil, and sludge) plants absorb these pollutants through their leaves and roots, effectively cleansing the air we breathe. This natural air purification system can really purify the air you breathe, and I know the plants that surround me while I write this at Exubia (yes, we have a lot of plants in our office) certainly fills my lungs. Here are our top picks:


Spider plants

Spider plants are great at absorbing carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, two of the biggest pollutants in our air. Their long grassy leaves give them a distinctive look and they are easy to care for. Place several spider plants around areas where people spend a lot of time such as the main offices or board rooms.

Chinese Evergreens

These things add life to any indoor space. they are efficient in removing pollutants from the air and need bright indirect light and a regular finger-dip test for a watering schedule. Their shapes make them great as floor plants or tabletop displays on cabinets or shelves.


The heart-shaped leaves of philodendrons have a wild, untamed look that brings a breath of fresh air to a mundane office. They are great at removing toxins from the air and do best in medium to low-light areas. We recommend leaving the top few inches of solid to dry between waterings. Their vining stems can trail or climb, so they make great hanging plants or you can train them on a moss pole.



Choose Plants That Benefit From The Sun

To be honest, I think we all benefit from the sun. But, plants do more! I have an Araucaria Heterophylla (Norfolk Island Pine) sat on my desk and one thing is for sure, these things need light! Here are our top picks of some sun-loving plants:


These are a great sun-loving choice for the office. Succulents are super easy to care for and if you group several of them together, perhaps mixing up the colours, shapes and styles, you can make a really great display.


Petunias are ideal for hanging baskets. They have trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple, red and white. Hang baskets of petunias by an entrance or in a sunny spot for a burst of colour. Be sure to water and fertilize them regularly for the best display.


Marigolds are one of the easiest and most colourful annuals you can grow. Their orange and yellow flowers bloom from early summer through autumn. They are naturally pest-repelling with a scent that deters common garden insects. They really are a gorgeous pop of colour for any office.



So there you have it – a few easy ways to freshen up your workspace for the summer. Adding plants, opening the windows and incorporating natural elements can make a big difference in your mood and productivity. It doesn’t take much to breathe new life into your offices. Test out a couple of ideas first and see what works for you and your team. The right summer tweaks might just transform your workspace into an energised and relaxing space through the hottest days. Don’t settle for a stale indoor environment – take control and create a summer-ready space you look forward to spending time in. A little TLC can go a long way and hey, if you feel like getting the whole team involved, why not read our top 5 planting activities we love?



Will Plants Make My Office Feel Cramped?

Not at all. Choosing the right plants and containers for your space is key. Smaller plants with compact leaf shapes like succulents, cacti and bonsai are ideal for desks and shelves. Larger floor-standing displays should have sparse, airy foliage like snake plants, yucca or a ficus lyrata. Make sure whatever you choose has adequate space to grow so that you avoid overgrowing your office.

How Can Plants Improve My Productivity

Studies show that exposure to natural elements like plants can boost creativity, focus and work performance. Their presence helps reduce stress and fatigue while increasing concentration and cognitive skills. Having living greenery in your space also leads to greater job satisfaction and improved morale.

How Much Maintenance Do Office Plants Require?

Most office plants are low maintenance and thrive on neglect. They only need light moderate light from windows, fluorescent bulbs or plant lights and watering every 1-2 weeks. During the warmer months, you may need to water slightly more often. Now it’s a whole different story if you have a planting scheme design done and you have lush greenery everywhere you look, which may be harder to maintain yourself. However this is why most clients go for our maintenance schemes so there’s no mess, no fuss and no dead plants! If you think you need a little helping hand, read our ultimate guide to plant care.

What Kind Of Planters Should I Use In An Office Space?

For desk plants, look for smaller planters with drainage holes that complement your office decor. You will need to make sure the pots are either waterproof or have a lining. If you don’t you’ll have a rather sad-looking display! Larger floor plants should have sturdy containers that won’t easily tip over. Self-watering planters are convenient for longer absences. Consider planters with attached saucers or trays to protect floors, desks and tables from damage.

Ready to green up your space??

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